Thursday, March 09, 2006

Eating pavement

So I fell off a pavement yesterday …… WHO FALLS OFF A FUCKING PAVEMENT ….BUT OF COURSE - obviously karma is out to get me again and revoked my motor skills (must really stop poking fun at retards and torturing small furry animals )

So anyway I did a swan dive straight off the pavement bounced off the car at the stop street – which of course belonged to someone I know (well acknowledging nod kind of know ) grabbed the pant of the dude in front of me to break my fall – possibly subconsciously I thought If I could pull them down with me everyone would be more distracted by his exposed arse them me lying spread eagled on the tar eating pavement (literally) …..although my plan was thwarted as the pant wearer proceeded to scream like a little girl further drawing attention to my less then graceful decent into indignity (I later found out the poor guy thought I was a dog ….. ….tyre imprint on my forehead , ego bruised and bleeding from the knees and the dude still calls me a dog ?????? (……his funeral will be held a week from Thursday )

Only me ! …crawling around Sommerset road with grazed knees looking for my shoes

Obviously when you are a *super genius* and *ridiculously good looking* and *ruler of the known universe* - and your theme song is

Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble
when you’re perfect in everyway ,
I can’t wait to look in the mirror
cause I get better looking each day
….. etc etc etc

Humility doesn’t come easy … okay….. lesson learnt…. DAMN YOU KARMA …….DAMN YOU TO HELL !!!


Blogger Phil said...

Kinda funny... there's a guy where I work who's been calling in 'sick' for the past week and his excuse is that he 'fell off a curb' (according to my supervisor)...

6:43 am  

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