Thursday, November 10, 2005

the importance of the full stop

So I woke up this morning (unfortunately - I was hoping for an extended bout of narcolepsy or possibly even a coma – Unfortunately the problem you will find with atheism is that your prayers are seldom answered)- anyway I cursed my lack of faith with some select obscenities (I sometimes take pride in my ability to express myself with new and innovative combinations of vulgarities) and after venting sufficiently, I thought to myself ……..”Myself” (I thought)……….. I would actually rather be sodomised by a rabid goat while exfoliating with razor wire and listening to a Kurt Darren CD , then actually go to work this morning .

Unfortunately due to the shortage of homosexual goats with rabies - I did have to enter the workforce – for yet another day of mind numbing, vein throbbing, need to beat middle management over the head with the heel of a stiletto, day …….. And to make matters worse…. I am now middle management as well - *intense nausea and self hatred*

But even worse than that – I am in my own private hell – I am middle management that reports to middle management – its like some sick joke - like some sort of science experiment - I half expect to start growing another limb and a set of gills - I think I must have murdered puppies in a previous life for karma to be so cruel.

Anyway the main thing is that I am learning so much in my new position – like the fact that the fate of the world rest on the presence of a full stop at the end of every bullet point.

*stabbing self in head with stapler*


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