Monday, June 07, 2004

Newton's law pissing on my battery

The lift is still out – what is up with that shit – by the end of this week I am going to be able to bounce bullets off my ass – I mean how long does it take to fix a lift – we are not talking about space technology over here – not performing brain surgery – it’s a lift - a couple of cables and a pulley – how hard can it be . It goes up , it comes down - its not nuclear fission – have they hired the village idiot to perform this complex task – was there no one left with a brain at “lifts R us” – maybe the guy has a deformity – like no limbs and he is recabling the antiquated piece of crap with his teeth (in which case I should go watch – you don’t see shit like that every day ) .

Now I am all sweaty and out of breath looking like a migrating buffalo and its not even 8 o’clock (won’t be able to do any work because my hooves can’t bang out any code on the key board )- probably going to attract flies around 9 . on the upside at least I worked off some of the weekend’s beer - not that 4 flights of stairs would have made a dent (that could only be accomplished if I hade a nasty run in with a liposuction machine in a dark alley )

Anyway – I am off to install a make shift pulley system outside my office window – counter balance myself with someone from middle management –I will tell him it’s a team building exercise .


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