Monday, August 28, 2006

Wrath of a disgruntled help desk worker

So now that I have regained consciousness from my most recent bout of ‘banging my head repetitively on my desk’ …somewhat disappointed that all I could muster was a headache and not massive trauma to the head… I have had the misfortune of once again being faced by the harsh reality of my current work situation

*wailing and gnashing of teeth*

Middle Management has got me on something that reeks of production support (purely because their management skills are comparable to those of blind amputee in a sword fight.) They seem to have failed to schedule a new project for us timeously … too busy trying to distinguish their arses from there elbows (a large scale project with quite a number of resources and a huge budget ….. think they have successfully located an earlobe but as yet no concrete results ) . ...and as such have taken help desk - put some lipstick on it - and tried to convince us it’s a project (…kind of like when they take a potted plant put a tie on it and try convince us its management )

….And to add another level of complexity – no one understands the requirement (nor can most of them spell the word requirement or walk upright ), response times are as fast as a sloth on weed and middle management still insists on contributing an opinion and demanding documentation ….*Recommence banging* (here’ s hoping for the head trauma )


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